Results for 'Miguel Mandujano Estrada'

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  1.  61
    La reinvención de la emancipación social en Boaventura de Sousa Santos.Miguel Mandujano Estrada - 2011 - Astrolabio 11:282-289.
    In this paper will show the terms in that is presented the Reinvention of Social Emancipation in the critical platform of the Portuguese author Boaventura de Sousa Santos.
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    Para una ética intercultural crítica.Miguel Mandujano Estrada - 2021 - Revista de Filosofía Laguna 49:77-88.
    The purpose of this work is to analyze the concept of «critical interculturality» and to explore the way in which an appropriate ethics could be defined. To this end, I will raise the problem of cultural diversity and make a brief tour of some of the socio-political forms with which it has been managed in the last half century, mainly in egalitarian liberalism. Against this distinctly Anglo-American perspective, I will oppose a geographically and/ or epistemically situated approach in the Americas. (...)
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  3. Ciudadanía y globalización: Notas fundamentales desde el cosmopolitismo subalterno.Miguel Mandujano Estrada - 2009 - Astrolabio 9:96-105.
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    La lectura orientada a la comprensión: didáctica y práctica de la filosofía.Miguel Mandujano - 2010 - HASER. Revista Internacional de Filosofía Aplicada 1:43-65.
    Este trabajo analiza el problema de la lectura, interpretación y comprensión detextos bajo la perspectiva de una doble ver tiente: como un recurso metodológico de la enseñanza de la filosofía y como un criterio hermenéutico del acompañamiento o asesoramiento individual. Desde la consideración de la semiótica de la recepción de Umberto Eco y la hermenéutic a filosófica de Hans-Georg Gadamer, propondremos las líneas generales que pudieran comunicar la dimensión didáctica y práctica del fenómeno de la lectura orientada a la comprensión. (...)
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    Connexivity Meets Church and Ackermann.Luis Estrada-González & Miguel Ángel Trejo-Huerta - 2023 - In Natasha Alechina, Andreas Herzig & Fei Liang (eds.), Logic, Rationality, and Interaction: 9th International Workshop, LORI 2023, Jinan, China, October 26–29, 2023, Proceedings. Springer Nature Switzerland. pp. 77-85.
    Here we study two connexive logics based on one of the conditionals introduced by Church in [4] and on some negations defined through falsity constants in the sense of Ackermann in [1].
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    Unfolding spiritual understanding through artistic creation: Findings of the Laboratory of Art and Spirituality.Carlos Miguel Gómez-Rincón, Natalia Reinoso-Chávez & Corina Estrada-Barrios - forthcoming - Archive for the Psychology of Religion.
    This article presents the results of the Laboratory of Art and Spirituality (LAS), in which a group of seven Colombian artists investigated, over a period of 10 months, how artistic creation contributes to understanding spiritual experiences. The research-creation methodology involved spaces of spiritual practice, artistic exploration, and autoethnographic reflection. With the help of these spaces, the artists produced various materials that were subsequently analyzed using a hermeneutic phenomenological orientation. As a result, we developed a model of artistic understanding based on (...)
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    El Despliegue de la Cultura en la Universidad a partir de diagnóstico inicial.Juan Miguel Castillo Toledo, María Mercedes Companionis Cobelo, Zenaida Vicente Portales & Lex Cervera Estrada - 2002 - Humanidades Médicas 2 (3):0-0.
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  8. Grip Strength, Neurocognition, and Social Functioning in People WithType-2 Diabetes Mellitus, Major Depressive Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, and Schizophrenia.María Aliño-Dies, Joan Vicent Sánchez-Ortí, Patricia Correa-Ghisays, Vicent Balanzá-Martínez, Joan Vila-Francés, Gabriel Selva-Vera, Paulina Correa-Estrada, Jaume Forés-Martos, Constanza San-Martín Valenzuela, Manuel Monfort-Pañego, Rosa Ayesa-Arriola, Miguel Ruiz-Veguilla, Benedicto Crespo-Facorro & Rafael Tabarés-Seisdedos - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Background: Frailty is a common syndrome among older adults and patients with several comorbidities. Grip strength is a representative parameter of frailty because it is a valid indicator of current and long-term physical conditions in the general population and patients with severe mental illnesses. Physical and cognitive capacities of people with SMIs are usually impaired; however, their relationship with frailty or social functioning have not been studied to date. The current study aimed to determine if GS is a valid predictor (...)
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  9. Formación docente desde la filosofía educativa transdisciplinaria.Floralba Aguilar, Javier Collado, José Manuel Touriñan, Robert Fernando Bolaños-Vivas, Jefferson Alexander Moreno-Guaicha, Alex Estrada-García, María Alejandra Marcelín-Alvarado, Dante Augusto Galeffi, Florent Pasquier, Nicolás Aguilar-Forero, Elisa Álvarez-Monsalve, Alexis Alberto Mena-Zamora, Odalia Llerena-Companioni, Oscar Santiago Barzaga- Sablón, Grey Zita Zambrano, Elva Vaca-Cárdenas, Yamilia Bárbara Cruz-Álvarez, Fanny Tubay-Zambrano, Cristian Javier Urbina Velasco, María Fernanda Alvarado-Ávila, Joselin Katerine Segovia-Sarmiento, Karina Luzdelia Mendoza-Bravo, Katty Isabel Posligua-Loor, Miguel Orozco-Malo & Cufuna Silva-Amino - 2023 - Quito: Abya Yala.
    La formación docente es indispensable para responder a los requerimientos de la compleja sociedad actual. De su conocimiento, iniciativa, praxis y creatividad depende el éxito o el fracaso del sujeto que aprende. Al modificar el rol del docente se transforma la actitud de los estudiantes. ¿Cómo entender la formación filosófica transdisciplinar? Este texto responde a este y otros cuestionamientos: ¿cuáles son los planteamientos pedagógicos afines a la era digital? ¿en qué medida las TIC se encuentran al servicio de una filosofía (...)
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    (1 other version)Reseña de De la barbarie al orgullo nacional. Indígenas, diversidad cultural y exclusión. Siglo XVI al XIX, de Miguel Soto Estrada y Mónica Hidalgo Pego, coordinadores. México, UNAM, 2009, 336 páginas, ISBN: 97. [REVIEW]Martha Delfín Guillaumin - 2012 - Corpus: Archivos virtuales de la alteridad americana 2 (1).
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  11. Informational Theories of Content and Mental Representation.Marc Artiga & Miguel Ángel Sebastián - 2020 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 11 (3):613-627.
    Informational theories of semantic content have been recently gaining prominence in the debate on the notion of mental representation. In this paper we examine new-wave informational theories which have a special focus on cognitive science. In particular, we argue that these theories face four important difficulties: they do not fully solve the problem of error, fall prey to the wrong distality attribution problem, have serious difficulties accounting for ambiguous and redundant representations and fail to deliver a metasemantic theory of representation. (...)
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    An Introduction to the Philosophy of Logic.Daniel Cohnitz & Luis Estrada-González - 2019 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    Philosophy of logic is a fundamental part of philosophical study, and one which is increasingly recognized as being immensely important in relation to many issues in metaphysics, metametaphysics, epistemology, philosophy of mathematics, and philosophy of language. This textbook provides a comprehensive and accessible introduction to topics including the objectivity of logical inference rules and its relevance in discussions of epistemological relativism, the revived interest in logical pluralism, the question of logic's metaphysical neutrality, and the demarcation between logic and mathematics. Chapters (...)
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  13. Heraldos de la verdad: Montaigne, Balzac, Nietzsche.Ezequiel Martínez Estrada - 1958 - Buenos Aires: Editorial Nova.
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    CEO letters: Social license to operate and community involvement in the mining industry.Blanca de-Miguel-Molina, Vicente Chirivella-González & Beatriz García-Ortega - 2018 - Business Ethics 28 (1):36-55.
    This paper aims to analyse how the discourse of CEO letters and other factors influence community involvement and Social Licence to Operate (SLO) in the mining industry. The analysis is based on qualitative information disclosed in sustainability reports and CEO letters from 32 mining firms. Content analysis was undertaken to obtain data for the study, and then a regression analysis and a multiple correspondence analysis were used to test the hypotheses defined in the study. The results indicate that the CEO (...)
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  15. La expansión de la fenomenología.Miguel García-Baró López & Juan José García Norro - 2005 - In Manuel Garrido (ed.), El legado filosófico y científico del siglo XX. Madrid: Cátedra.
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    Science and Barbarism.Miguel Matilla - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 36:121-126.
    In Schopenhauer as Educator (1874), Nietzsche wrote: “For there is a kind of misused and exploited culture – just take a look around you! And precisely those powers that today most actively promote culture have ulterior motives, and they do not engage in intercourse with it for pure and unselfish reasons.” (The Complete Works of Friedrich Nietzsche, Vol. 2, (Trans. Richard T. Gray), SUP, California, 1995, p. 218, 16; hereafter CW). And he listed these powers, indicating the reason why they (...)
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    Cartas de um solitário.Miguel Mello - 2014 - Cadernos Nietzsche 35:121-123.
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    CEO letters: Social license to operate and community involvement in the mining industry.Blanca de‐Miguel‐Molina, Vicente Chirivella‐González & Beatriz García‐Ortega - 2018 - Business Ethics: A European Review 28 (1):36-55.
    This paper aims to analyse how the discourse of CEO letters and other factors influence community involvement and Social Licence to Operate (SLO) in the mining industry. The analysis is based on qualitative information disclosed in sustainability reports and CEO letters from 32 mining firms. Content analysis was undertaken to obtain data for the study, and then a regression analysis and a multiple correspondence analysis were used to test the hypotheses defined in the study. The results indicate that the CEO (...)
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    New philosophy of human nature: neither known to nor attained by the great ancient philosophers, which will improve human life and health.Miguel Sabuco - 2007 - Urbana: University of Illinois Press. Edited by Mary Ellen Waithe, Mary Colomer Vintró, C. Angel Zorita & Oliva Sabuco de Nantes Y. Barrera.
    Knowledge of one's self -- Composition of the world as it is -- Things that will improve this world and its nations -- Treatments and remedies of proper medicine -- Proper medicine derived from human nature -- Brief exposition on human nature : foundations of the art of -- Medicine -- Proper philosophy of the nature of composite things, of humans.
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    Historias largas y su papel en el discurso científico actual: los casos de la secuenciación, la biocomputación y la genómica.Miguel García Sancho - 2010 - In María G. Navarro, Betty Estévez & Antolín Sánchez Cuervo (eds.), Claves actuales de pensamiento. Madrid: CSIC/Plaza y Valdés.
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  21. (1 other version)Borderline Experiences One Cannot Undergo.Miguel Ángel Sebastián - 2015 - Critica 47 (140):31-42.
    El representacionismo defiende que el carácter fenoménico de la experiencia queda completamente determinado por su contenido intencional. El representacionismo es una teoría muy atractiva dentro del proyecto de naturalizar la consciencia según la hipótesis de que la relación de representación puede a su vez ser naturalizada. Para este propósito, los representacionistas con inquietudes naturalistas acuden normalmente a teorías teleosemánticas del contenido mental. No se ha prestado, sin embargo, demasiada atención a la interacción entre el representacionismo y las teorías teleosemánticas del (...)
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    On cardinal characteristics of Yorioka ideals.Miguel A. Cardona & Diego A. Mejía - 2019 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 65 (2):170-199.
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    Il problema astronomico-cosmologico e le Sacre Scritture dopo Copernico: Chistoph Rothmann e la "teoria dell'accomodazione".Miguel Granada - 1996 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 4.
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    Ortega y Gasset, mi padre.Miguel Ortega - 1983 - Barcelona: Editorial Planeta.
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  25. Asociación de Usuarios de Internet.Miguel Pérez Subías - 2009 - Critica: La Reflexion Calmada Desenreda Nudos 59 (959):94-95.
  26. ¿ Es Internet un cerebro?Miguel Pérez Subías - 2009 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 81:8-10.
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  27. A consciousness-based quantum objective collapse model.Elias Okon & Miguel Ángel Sebastián - 2020 - Synthese 197 (9):3947-3967.
    Ever since the early days of quantum mechanics it has been suggested that consciousness could be linked to the collapse of the wave function. However, no detailed account of such an interplay is usually provided. In this paper we present an objective collapse model where the collapse operator depends on integrated information, which has been argued to measure consciousness. By doing so, we construct an empirically adequate scheme in which superpositions of conscious states are dynamically suppressed. Unlike other proposals in (...)
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  28. Superhard choices.Miguel F. Dos Santos - 2020 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 98 (2):248-265.
    Sometimes, when comparing a pair of items, it appears that neither is better than the other, nor that they are equally good, relative to a certain value that they bear. Cases of this kind have come to be referred to as superhard comparisons. What grounds superhard comparisons? On the dominant views, held by Joseph Raz and Ruth Chang, they are grounded, at least partially, in the failure of the three classic value relations—‘better than’, ‘worse than’, and ‘equally good’. On an (...)
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    Mandatory vaccination and the ‘seat belt analogy’ argument: a critical analysis in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic.Iñigo de Miguel Beriain - 2022 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 25 (2):219-224.
    The seat belt analogy argument is aimed at furthering the success of coercive vaccination efforts on the basis that the latter is similar to compulsory use of seat belts. However, this article demonstrated that this argument does not work so well in practice due to several reasons. The possibility of saving resources in health care does not usually apply in our societies, and the paternalist mentality that contributed to the implementation of seat belt–wearing obligation was predominant 30 years ago, but (...)
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    The isomorphism relation of theories with S-DOP in the generalised Baire spaces.Miguel Moreno - 2022 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 173 (2):103044.
  31. (1 other version)Performance Epistemology.Miguel Angel Fernandez (ed.) - forthcoming - Oxford University Press.
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    Boolean Connexive Logic and Content Relationship.Mateusz Klonowski & Luis Estrada-González - 2023 - Studia Logica 112 (1):207-248.
    We present here some Boolean connexive logics (BCLs) that are intended to be connexive counterparts of selected Epstein’s content relationship logics (CRLs). The main motivation for analyzing such logics is to explain the notion of connexivity by means of the notion of content relationship. The article consists of two parts. In the first one, we focus on the syntactic analysis by means of axiomatic systems. The starting point for our syntactic considerations will be the smallest BCL and the smallest CRL. (...)
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  33. Introduction.Miguel Ángel Fernández Vargas - 2016 - In Miguel Ángel Fernández Vargas (ed.), Performance Epistemology: Foundations and Applications. New York, NY: Oxford University Press UK.
    This book brings together previously unpublished work which looks at issues concerning the foundations and applications of a prominent branch of virtue epistemology: “performance-based epistemology”. The chapters in Part I examine some foundational issues in the conceptual framework of PBE: the relations between apt success and luck; the connection between aptness and a safety condition for knowledge; the fallibility of competences; the kind of reliability needed for knowledge and justification; the nature of epistemic agency; and some ways of enriching the (...)
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    Alan Turing´s work on morphogenesis.Miguel A. Herrero - 2013 - Arbor 189 (764):a081.
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    Play in the Information Age.Miguel Sicart - 2019 - Philosophy and Technology 32 (3):517-534.
    This article is an inquiry on the role of play in shaping the cultures of the Information Age. By applying concepts from Postphenomenology and the Philosophy of Information, this paper argues that play and computation share a capacity to shape human experience. I will apply the concept of re-ontologization to describe the effect that computation has had in shaping the world. I will apply the concept of relational strategies to argue that play is a way of interfacing with the computational (...)
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    The refutation of the distinction between potentia-absoluta and potentia-ordinata of God and the affirmation of the infinite universe in the works of Bruno, Giordano.Miguel A. Granada - 1994 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 49 (3):495-532.
  37. Consagración bautismal: Alcance y limites.José María de Miguel González - 1998 - Salmanticensis 45 (2):221-249.
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  38. Datos para una teología trinitaria en los escritos Joánicos.José María de Miguel González - 2003 - Salmanticensis 50 (3):389-420.
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    Política y Filosofía en Lisandro de la Torre.Jorge Raúl De Miguel - 2006 - Estudios de Filosofía Práctica E Historia de Las Ideas 8:103-113.
    El artículo analiza las ideas filosóficas de Lisandro de la Torre, dirigente político y destacado legislador argentino de vasta trayectoria pública entre 1890 y 1937, a partir de algunas conferencias y escritos de sus últimos años. En el enfoque de su cosmovisión se toman en cuenta, por un lado, la relación entre filosofía, ciencia y religión, y, por otro, la concepción antropológica, mostrando la influencia de perspectivas filosóficas como el panteísmo y el positivismo. El estudio somete a crítica la desvinculación (...)
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  40. Experiência e cultura.Miguel Reale - 1982 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 172 (4):686-688.
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    Demographic and health patterns in a rural community from the Basque area in Spain (1800-1990).Miguel A. Alfonso Sanchez, Victoria Panera Mendieta, JOSÉ A. Pena & Rosario Calderón - 2002 - Journal of Biosocial Science 34 (4):541-558.
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  42. La aporía contemporánea del Cogito y su exigencia de la experiencia noético-racional.Miguel Verstraete - 1981 - Escritos de Filosofía 4 (8):183-198.
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    Knot is not that nasty.Elisángela Ramírez-Cámara & Luis Estrada-González - 2019 - Synthese 198 (S22):5533-5554.
    In this paper, we evaluate Button’s claim that knot is a nasty connective. Knot’s nastiness is due to the fact that, when one extends the set \ with knot, the connective provides counterexamples to a number of classically valid operational rules in a sequent calculus proof system. We show that just as going non-transitive diminishes tonk’s nastiness, knot’s nastiness can also be reduced by dropping Reflexivity, a different structural rule. Since doing so restores all other rules in the system as (...)
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  44. Lepore and Ludwig on 'explicit meaning theories'.Miguel Hoeltje - 2013 - Philosophical Studies 165 (3):831-839.
    The fundamental problem proponents of truth conditional semantics must face is to specify what role a truth theory is supposed to play within a meaning theory. The most detailed proposal for tackling this problem is the account developed by Ernest Lepore and Kirk Ludwig. However, as I will show in this paper, theories along the lines of Lepore and Ludwig do not suffice to put someone into the position to understand the objectlanguage. The fundamental problem of truth conditional semantics thus (...)
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    The World They Have Lost: An Assessment of Change in Eastern Europe.Miguel Centeno & Tania Rands - 1996 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 63.
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    Metáforas de la multitud: en torno al pensamiento de Antonio Negri.Miguel Corella (ed.) - 2019 - Madrid: Lengua de Trapo.
  47. The Epistemic Privilege of Measurement: Motivating a Functionalist Account.Miguel Ohnesorge - 2023 - Philosophy of Science 90 (1):1396-1406.
    Philosophers and metrologists have refuted the view that measurement’s epistemic privilege in scientific practice is explained by its theory-neutrality. Rather, they now explicitly appeal to the role that theories play in measurement. I formulate a challenge for this view: scientists sometimes ascribe epistemic privilege to measurements even if they lack a shared theory about their target quantity, which I illustrate through a case study from early geodesy. Drawing on that case, I argue that the epistemic privilege of measurement precedes shared (...)
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  48. Liberdade e Valor.Miguel Reale - 1958 - São Paulo,: Emprêsa Gráfica da "Revista dos Tribunais" Ltda..
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  49. (1 other version)Variações 2.Miguel Reale - 2003 - Rio de Janeiro: Academia Brasileira de Letras.
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    Effect of psychology consultation on subsequent general practitioner doctor consultations.Miguel Ricou, Sílvia Marina, Catarina Canário, Ricardo Soares & Ivone Duarte - forthcoming - Polish Psychological Bulletin:254-258.
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